



Monetize your notes. Donate to any page.

Writings can be interlinked and tightly connected, like Obsidian or Wikipedia.

Each page is versioned, like GitHub.

For friends, families, book clubs, secret societies. We don't judge.

Become a supporter on OpenCollective and we'll keep you in the loop about development!

Monetize your notes. Donate to any page.

Writings can be interlinked and tightly connected, like Obsidian or Wikipedia.

Each page is versioned, like GitHub.

For friends, families, book clubs, secret societies. We don't judge.

Become a supporter on OpenCollective and we'll keep you in the loop about development!

Monetize your notes. Donate to any page.

Writings can be interlinked and tightly connected, like Obsidian or Wikipedia.

Each page is versioned, like GitHub.

For friends, families, book clubs, secret societies. We don't judge.

Become a supporter on OpenCollective and we'll keep you in the loop about development!

Monetize your notes. Donate to any page.

Writings can be interlinked and tightly connected, like Obsidian or Wikipedia.

Each page is versioned, like GitHub.

For friends, families, book clubs, secret societies. We don't judge.

Become a supporter on OpenCollective and we'll keep you in the loop about development!

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